
Once you have color managed and proofed your file(s), you may want to check the color accuracy of your proof. This is especially important for contract proofing, as it is a measure of the proof's quality that you can show your customers.

Provided you have a verification license, you can do this in Pack Proof the following way:

  1. Before proofing, you define color deviation tolerances (how close the colors on your proof must be to the colors in your input file for you to accept the proof as color accurate).
  2. When proofing your file, you add a verification strip, containing patches of the separations present in your input file.
  3. Once your file is proofed, you measure this verification strip in Esko Verification, with a spectrophotometer.
  4. In Pack Proof, you get detailed feedback about whether the measured separations are within your tolerances, helping you decide to either accept or reject the proof.
Tip: You can also use verification to monitor your proofer's stability over time (for example by printing a test job with a verification strip at regular intervals).
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