The IPC XML Schema

The root of an IPC XML file is called <CopyContent>. It contains 3 sections: <RevisionHistory>, <Project> information and a <Copy> section which contains a number of <CopyElement> elements that contain the actual textual contents.

Understanding a sample file

The following XML file clearly shows the three sections in an IPC XML file. All the content is enclosed in the root <CopyContent> tag. Following that, you see:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<CopyContent xmlns="" Version="1.0" AgentName="PG ACT" AgentVersion="1.0">

	<RevisionHistory RevisionNumber="1.1">
		<Revision Type="Original" Author="Jerry Morris" RevisionNumber="1.0" TimeStamp="2007-01-31T12:00:00+01:00" />
		<Revision Type="Change" Author="Jerry Morris" RevisionNumber="1.1" TimeStamp="2007-01-31T13:00:00+01:00" />

	<Project ProjectName="Diapers Test" ProjectID="P1" Region="USA">
			<POA ID="Common" Name="Common CopyElements" Locales="en-US es-US"/>
			<POA ID="P1_30" Name="Pampers 30 diapers for US" Locales="en-US es-US" />
			<POA ID="P1_40" Name="Pampers 40 diapers for US" Locales="en-US es-US" />
			<POA ID="P1_50" Name="Pampers 50 diapers for US" Locales="en-US es-US" />
			<POA ID="P1_50_ES" Name="Pampers 50 diapers for US, Spanish only" Locales="es-US" />

		<CopyElement ID="CP001" CopyElementType="Brand Name" SourceRef="NamesDict" CopySourceRef="21321" POAs="Common">
		<CopyElement ID="CP002" CopyElementType="Package Count" Locale="en-US" Panels="Front Back" POAs="P1_30">
			<body>Contains 30 diapers</body>
  <CopyElement ID="CP003" CopyElementType="Package Count" Locale="en-US" Panels="Front Back" POAs="P1_40">
   <body>Contains 40 diapers</body>
		<CopyElement ID="CP004" CopyElementType="Package Count" Locale="en-US" Panels="Front Back" POAs="P1_50">
			<body>Contains 50 diapers</body>
		<CopyElement ID="CP007" CopyElementType="Package Count" Locale="es-US" Panels="Front Back" POAs="P1_50_ES">
			<body>Contiene 50 pañales</body>
		<CopyElement ID="CP005" CopyElementType="Generic" Locale="en-US" POAs="P1_30 P1_40 P1_50">
			<body>How are you?</body>
		<CopyElement ID="CP006" CopyElementType="Generic" Locale="es-US" POAs="P1_30 P1_40 P1_50 P1_50_ES">
			<body>Que tal estas?</body>

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