
About this Barcode...

MicroPDF417 is a 2D multi-row barcode derived from PDF417, for use on smaller areas. It can encode up to 150 bytes.


General Parameters

Additional Parameters

Specific Parameters

You can give your barcode between 1 and 4 Columns.
You can give your barcode between 4 and 44 Rows.
Allow Text Compaction

Choose this to let Dynamic Barcodes switch to Text compaction mode automatically when your barcode contains text data.

This encodes the text data in your barcode more efficiently (it makes that part of your barcode smaller).

Allow Numeric Compaction

Choose this to let Dynamic Barcodes switch to Numeric compaction mode automatically when your barcode contains numeric data.

This encodes the numeric data in your barcode more efficiently.


Dynamic Barcodes can always switch to the Binary compaction mode if your barcode contains binary data.

If you don't enable either Allow Text Compaction or Allow Numeric Compaction, Dynamic Barcodes will only use Binary compaction mode.

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