Repeat for Separations Mark

A Repeat for Separation Mark is a type of Dynamic Mark that is repeated a number of times, based on the inks used in the document. You can load one of the default Repeat for Separations Mark sets (see Working with Mark Sets) or you can create a Repeat for Separations Mark by selecting a combination of objects and select Create Repeat for Separations Mark from selection (see Create a Mark from Selection). The selected objects become the Mark Content, which is repeated for every separation.

The Repeat for Separations Mark can contain nested Marks. See Nested Marks

Note: If you include a Text Mark with Smart Text in a Repeat for Separations Mark, the Barcode and Layer Names variables will be discarded.

You can for example create a Custom Mark of a 100% filled square, and a Text Mark containing the Ink Name of the 1st separation as Smart Text. Combining those two into a Repeat for Separations Mark, you can create a color patch for each separation, with the respective separation name next to it.

Use the Mark Inspector to set all parameters.

Positioning the Repeat for Separations Marks

The positioning of the Repeat for Separations Marks is set by three different factors: