Relocating a Container

When a container goes offline, this will be shown in the Pilot's Container mode and in the Containers View and Tool:

Here are some possible reasons:

For whatever reason you need to move data to another network place, you can use the Relocate feature to inform Automation Engine that the container data is now on another Location.

Attention: Relocating does not move any data. It only adapts the Automation Engine database by informing it on the new location.
Follow these steps to relocate a container:
  1. Select the offline container and right-click or go to Edit > Relocate .
  2. Enter the name of the computer that you want to relocate your container on, or browse to it.
  3. In the Select the share dialog, select the share you want to relocate your container on. Click OK. Your container is now relocated on the share you selected (and has the name of the share).
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